Matariki Returns - Main Idea
WALT - Locate and use information in the text to extend
ideas about our general solar system and the effects this
has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
Success Criteria -
I can locate and use information in the text to extend
ideas about our general solar system and the effects
this has on our word - to even our cultures and celebrations.
I know the purpose of Matariki and can relate it to other
special holidays.
Answer these questions in complete sentence.
What is Matariki in a physical sense? Matariki is a cluster
of seven stars within the constellation taurus.
What is the special sight you may witness towards the
end of May? So at the end of May the seven stars of
matariki sink below the horizon but then disappear from
the night sky.
What are people looking out for to know that the new year
is beginning? When you have seen the Matariki at dawn
and the new moon at night, you’ll know that it's beginning.
Tell me 6 things you know about Matariki?
Seven Stars. They were sisters.
Matariki translate ( Little Eyes and Eyes of God )
Ten years ago not much New Zealanders didn’t know about Matariki.
Maori New Year.
Several hundred stars, but can only be seen by a naked eye.
They have Matariki every June.
What are the tales about the stars and the representation of
them for the year to come? If the stars are a bit blurry to see
even with naked eyes, it will remind us that a cold cool breeze
will come.
Maori used to ‘preserve birds hinu’. What does the word
‘preserved’ mean? Preserved means to maintain something.
Can you give me an example of how people often preserve
various items to date? Is to preserve food item is sand can
help save the food and salt water but at ancient time there
was no salt but you could use salt water from the sea.
Matariki is the time for what? (refer to the text). Matariki is a
time for Maori religions to celebrate Maori New Years.
Tell me about a Matariki legend? So there were two kids
taken by there parents and taken from Tane the god of the
forest. And the parents were. Raumati ( the summer ), Raro
( the underworld ) were the preant of Matariki, Takurua and
How has Matariki risen again? Because maori people was
about to forget about there own celebration but in our days
2018 it's very common.
If something is ‘faint’ can you describe what it might look like?
There would be little tiny crystals floating around and it would
be fading into the sky and the color would be white.
Why did New Zealanders initially not know much about Matariki?
Because they didn’t hear about anything from the Matariki stars
and from the people. But some people did.
What are some activities people might do to celebrate Matariki?
Fire some fireworks, Have a bond fire, Watch the stars, Making
stars made out of wool and having a hangi.
Some Iwi celebrate Matariki differently, find some examples of
how they celebrations differ? They could visit there families, go
to church and have a hangi.
Name three other days of the year that are celebrated: New Years,
Maori New Year's and Christmas
Think about Christmas and how it is a public holiday, do you think
Matariki should also be a public holiday? Yes
Yes/no? What is your reasoning for this? Because parents get to
stay with their children and also have a family reunion.