Hema running down the dark street crying as he goes. Janey hiding, as she too
tries to catch up with her brother. “Hema wait up”! Janey yelled. As she ran down
the dark street following behind Hema, barefooted. Hema yelling “DON'T FOLLOW
ME I’LL RATHER BE ALONE”! “NO I WANT TO COME”! Janey Yelled, you could
even hear them one block away. But in order for Hema to make her calm down and
not make anyone notice was for Janey to come along.
Music rumbling through the walls, the floor shaking and thumping as Wiki and Bill
had their daily party. Hema and Janey's parents caring less about them, yelling shouting
and partying as they normally do for the weekend off work. As Hema and Janey hugged
each other in the dark as the night went on. CRASH! Hema and Janey wake up by a thud
noise, mum arguing at dad, dad hesitating, “Hema i’m scared”, Janey whispered frightened.
“It's ok just go back to sleep”, Hema said hesitating. You could just hear mum through the
thinly made walls, walking around and making huge noise. Dad is trying to get her to be
calm and go to sleep, “urghhhh, I,I,I,I,I,I lurv yeaaa Johhh”. Mum said weakly and in a wasted way.
The next morning Hema woke up with a smashed window in the living room, broken photo
frames with a worned out mother on the floor:wasted. Everyone in the neighbourhood thought
the family was an alcoholic family where they sell a lot and when I say a lot I mean a lot.
Hema thought to himself and said “I have to change this habit but mum might give me a hiding”.
Hema went to mum and told her that everyone needs to go church more often or constantly.
But mum also said “maybe you need to have a drink kid”, but Hema said “no i’m not like you”.
Mum thought to herself.
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