Title:Te Oro Visit
Intro: I have been so excited to see all of the other schools that has shown off their own designs and display about the Omaru Stream. And their showing how to keep our special streams clean so much more beautiful dragonflies can be welcomed in healthy streams. So rooms 6 to 12 has been invited to create a display that would be likely known as how it would look like in the future if we keep it clean. And how it will look like if we don’t clean it. So Glen Innes Schools display shows how and why we should keep streams clean around Auckland ground.
Body: I was super interested in seeing how other schools have created a special dedication to the Omaru Stream so room 12 has created a big large dragonfly statue and room 7 created houses near a beautiful clean stream with fish swimming and a bad awful stream with a bad man that decides to pour oil into a clean but it turns into a bad stream and it has dead fish in it. And I bet that room 12 one was the best , but I prefer that all the creations was the best because we got to watch and play on videos and games and I like the way that Pt England school was cleaning up the Pt england beach and how they convert rubbish into creative things. Then it was time to go, but the best thing is that we got to see the displays.
Conclusion: Te Oro was amazing because it's all about how to clean streams and not to start littering.
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