
Friday, 15 February 2019

Underground Explore

Underground Explore

A - Did I understand?
  1. Where is Mount Owen? Kahurangi National Park, north-west Nelson
  2. What were they hoping to prove? To make history/become famous.
  3. What has a cupful of water got to do with this article?
  4. What is the covers’ code. Is to take only photos and leave only footprints
  5. What do people expect caves to be? Greatest cave journey ever

B - True or False?
  1. LED lights don’t work underground. False
  2. Crystal pools make the surface hard to see. True

C - It’s the Scene
Write down as many words as you can which describe the scene/context (or part or) that the text is set in.

  1. Dark
  2. Cracks
  3. Scary
  4. Cold
  5. Nature


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