
Wednesday, 20 September 2017



Room 10 had so much fun learning about the human body like the brain liver appendix.
In Harold's van, and it was very fun learning about all the
things in our body and getting to meet Bob. Bob is just the e.g of the human anatomy
and we watched some of the videos on the small screen about
Alex and the his whole system in his body not getting any sleep.
What I learnt about the liver is that the livers is the system
that sorts the healthy food and the unhealthy food.
What I didn't know about my body is that in my stomach there is a liquid acid
that burns the food to comes down the esophagus. And did you know why the acid
in our stomachs does not burn our skin. But the reason why is because we
 have layers and layers of our skin on top and there is a skin that burns but it regrows
so we don't get burnt by it.


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